Production residencies are developed on a longer time and necessarily lead to the production of one or several artworks. These residencies can arise from artists’ request or from invitations by La chambre d’eau. They are conceived and elaborated in close relation between different places and territorial partners. They are formalized around creation times, public meetings, exchange times, both formal and informal, reflexion times of construction, analysis and implementation. Residencies are offered in accordance to and linked with the events organized by La chambre d’eau. These key moments allow to give a real visibility and distribution of the artworks.

Terms and conditions

They are three production residencies a year and they last around three week that can be dived and spread over a certain period of the year. A transportation and accommodation package is taken care of by the association. A residency grant of 2 000 euros and a participation to the production costs is also allocated (it can vary according the needs of the project).

Production residencies 2018

Production residencies 2017